Embarking on Digital Transformation: Practical and effective MES implementation and essential guide to CSV

<  หลักการและเหตุผล 
This event will provide attendees with practical knowledge and effective strategies for implementing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) as part of their digital transformation journey. Additionally, the event aims to equip participants with a comprehensive guide to Computerized System Validation (CSV) processes, enabling them to navigate the regulatory requirements smoothly. Through expert insights, practical case studies, and interactive workshops, the conference will empower attendees to embark on successful MES implementation and strengthen their understanding of the essential elements of CSV.
<  วัตถุประสงค์
- Practical MES implementation: Gain insights on how to successfully start the digital transformation journey by implementing MES solution that aligns with industry best practices and business objectives.
- Effective Strategies for MES integration: Explore practical approaches and strategies for integrating MES into existing manufacturing processes, ensuring maximum efficiency and process optimization.
- CSV Process Essentials: Understand the fundamentals concepts and requirements of the CSV process as it relates to MES implementation, including regulatory compliance and risk management considerations.
- Case Studies and Real-World Examples: Learn about success stories of companies that have implemented MES, offering valuable insights into their methodologies, challenges faced and lessons learned.
- Interactive Workshops and Networking Opportunities: Engage in interactive discussions, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities to foster collaboration, sharing of experiences, and knowledge exchange among participants.
Embarking on Digital Transformation: Practical and effective MES implementation and essential guide to CSV
ชื่อการประชุม Embarking on Digital Transformation: Practical and effective MES implementation and essential guide to CSV
สถาบันหลัก สมาคมเภสัชกรอุตสาหการ (ประเทศไทย)
รหัสกิจกรรม 2004-2-000-008-05-2567
สถานที่จัดการประชุม Ambassador Hotel Bangkok SuKhumvit 11 Bangkok
วันที่จัดการประชุม 23 พ.ค. 2567
ผู้จัดการประชุม สมาคมเภสัชกรอุตสาหการ (ประเทศไทย)
กลุ่มเป้าหมาย Quality unit, Engineering and Production managers, Digitalization / IT / Digital Transformation officers, Pharmacists
หน่วยกิตการศึกษาต่อเนื่อง 4 หน่วยกิต
This event will provide attendees with practical knowledge and effective strategies for implementing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) as part of their digital transformation journey. Additionally, the event aims to equip participants with a comprehensive guide to Computerized System Validation (CSV) processes, enabling them to navigate the regulatory requirements smoothly. Through expert insights, practical case studies, and interactive workshops, the conference will empower attendees to embark on successful MES implementation and strengthen their understanding of the essential elements of CSV.